Sunday, January 20, 2013

Errmahgerd update!

I sold off my Krieg army a bit ago, and started buying up Blood Angel stuff in an attempt to rebuild a decent army like the one I had pre 6th ed. which I sold in fear of mech sucking too much (was a razor/raider list).

So this weekend I put in some solid work on my first troop choice (tactical squad with a mix of mk IV and mk V and regular tac parts) and a Furioso contemptor dread, both of which are built and primed with some nice Vallejo grey:

This also means the Geara Zulu is getting back burned for a while, cause 40k takes priority.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Geara Zulu update.  While watching the Iron Squid (best of 8 round) I managed to get the remaining building done on the model.

Here is a rough mock up with some parts thrown together. (Trying to get an idea with what to do with the base).

Some of the added pla armor is visible (the white).  I didn't want to go over the top with it because I'm eager to get into painting it, and I have some 40k stuff coming in this week that my attention will get pulled towards.

Here is where I am at as of now, ready to prime.

Sorry for the low quality photos.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Well its time to actually do some modeling.  The past few days I have been moving house, so haven't had the time and space to do anything, until today of coarse.

So, to get back into the swing of things I am starting to work on a personal display piece for myself.  Last weekend I picked myself up a Geara Zulu (high grade) as seen in Gundam UC.

Now, its been awhile since I have worked on a gundam model, so I want to have some fun with it, thus I am going be adding extra pla armor, battle damage, a custom display base, and some other mods besides the paint job.

Once I left work today I started almost right away on the model, while watching the live stream of the Iron Squid, Chapter II and this is where I am at the moment on the pre build before filling and sanding down all the parts.

I'll leave it at that for now, more updates will follow quickly!